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Wednesday 23 October 2013


Time waits for no one, sure as the tide pulls the ocean

Sure as the path that's been chosen cannot be changed

In my life's destination, I searched for the explanation

For some kind of reason for my sorrow and pain

But in my isolation, I learned to listen

To be thankful for the love that I'd been given


This is my journey, journey through life

With every twist and turn, I've laughed and cried as the road unwinds

This is my journey, and I've learned to fight

To make me strong enough, to lift me up, to bring my dreams alive

In my desperation, I swore never again

Would I hear all the laughter of my friends and my family

A million tears that I'd cry then began to dry

Silence of the night time

I have come to realize a sweet inspiration filled my horizon

Gave me the heart to go on and never would give in

Repeat Chorus

I'm going to love each moment of every day and every night

I'll look back to the past with the sweetest smile

For now, I realize I've been given the key to life

I've been kissed by the angel by my side

Oh, yeah

Repeat Chorus

To bring my dreams alive

To bring my dreams alive

Kumpulan 911
hihi..nak tahu nape tiba-tiba aku g post lirik lagu The Journey pagi ni?? hehe sebenarnya nk kasi tahu tajuk utama kt blog aku The Journey itu adalah sempena tajuk lagu dari kumpulan 911 ler The Journey..time zaman muda-muda dulu aku minat giler dengan kumpulan ni especially dengan penyanyi utamanya iaitu Lee Brennan ..cute bangat hehhehe tapi tu zaman muda-muda..sekarang ni group ni pun dah berpecah..aku pun tak ambil peduli sangat dah ..maklumlah sebab dah ada dua orang buah hati yang lebih cute dari Lee tue heheh..suami dan anak lerrrrrrr..anyway tu jer nk share kat blog ni..kat sini aku sisipan lagi pic Lee Brennan yang cute bangat tu..kt bawah..k byeeeeeee.

Lee Brennan

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